Beyond the Engine
It was a great experience to organize and facilitate an event at Microsoft Atrium at Unter den Linden, Berlin. Various C-level executives from the automotive industry discussed the future of automotive software.
Find films and slide decks here
Die ideale Software Factory in Finance & Insurance
I was honored to plan and facilitate an event at Hasso Plattner Institute where various C-level executives from the finance and insurance industry shared their knowledge about corporate software development and digitalization.
Find films and slide decks here
Automotive Software Factory
Many insights and learnings during the Software Factory Event at Hasso Plattner Institute. Some of the brightest sparks in Automotive shared the stage with us to discuss the most pressing challenges for top IT-executives in the automotive Industry.
Find films and slide decks here
CIO Magazin: Die Ära der Software Factory
A big thank you to IDG Media, four coporate CIOs and Prof. Juergen Döllner for helping me to write a ten page article for Germanys biggest IT magazine.
Find original article here
Der Handelsblatt KI-Summit
It was great speaking about KI and machine learning at the Handelsblatt KI Summit. Many great speakers including some of my GDT colleagues. Time to build!
Find docu here
Express(UK): BBC panic: Broadcaster in danger as 'powerful and disruptive' players spark streaming war
The BBC is facing an uphill battle as streaming businesses Netflix, Amazon Prime, and new players Apple TV and Disney set to dominate 2020 and beyond, an industry expert has suggested. I had the privilege of being quoted as the subscription platform expert.
Find full article here
IT ZOOM/ Mobile Business: Wer braucht noch ein Auto?
It was great to work as an author for the IT magazine mobile business. This article shows how modern digital subscription platforms are trying to take over the market for mobility and how they disrupt traditional forms of car ownership.
Find full article here
MoneyToday(CH): Finanzielle Folgen der Subscription Economy
The buzzword Subscription Economy gives the sometimes rather hazy process of digitalization on a very pragmatic and result oriented focus. But how do subscription services change our relationship to money?
Find full article here
Interactive Snow (Russmedia AT): Medien as a Service - Wie die Digitalisierung die Verlagslandschaft verändert
It was fun visiting Lech in Arlberg to talk about the digital future of journalism and media. Especially my co-speaker Xiaoqun Clever CTO of Ringier gave a phantastic speech on Ringiers digitalization journey.
Find some pics here
MEEDIA (Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt): Subscription Economy: der Siegeszug des Abo-Modells ...
My new article on how media companies can make use of the subscription economy-trend and how a traditional subscription models differ from automated digital subscription platforms.
Full article on MEEDIA
COMPUTERWOCHE: Der Weg in die Subscription Economy ist steinig
keylight CEO Marco Sarich and me on how to establish a modern digital subscription business model. The text looks at the technical challenges and the most common problems when it comes to making a digital subscription business work.
Full article on Computerwoche.de
Brand Development LAB OF TOMORROW
It was a pleasure for me to help the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the GIZ to discover and develop the Brand lab of tomorrow. To contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals and in so doing address the world’s most pressing issues, the lab of tomorrow encourages the private sector to engage in translating development challenges into digital business opportunities. What a purpose, what a brand. Join the lab of tomorrow!
Keynote Speech
Strategie & Chance
I had the chance to give a keynote speech about branding and strategies on the MIB fair in Berlin. Lots of discussions and many interesting encounters with managers of tomorrow.
See MIB website
Lean & Digital Branding
Here is my new E-Book about pragmatic branding in the digital space. Released on the FRANK publication platform.
See FRANK website
Keynote Speech
Strategy & Chance
It was fun to hold a keynote speech titeled STRATEGY & CHANCE to 150 international high potential Graduates. The very successful event hosted by the ESCP campus in Berlin was dedicated to the United Nations 17 global goals for sustainable development.
See ESCP website
Learn about the global goals
Innovation Hubs
My new publication on innovation in corporations. The Innovation Hub is a prototype to enable disruptive innovation within a rather rigid corporate structure.
Order your copy here (German)
Keynote Speech
Launch of FRANK Publication Platform
The FRANK publication platform was launched releasing it’s first issue on digital Innovation Hubs for corporations. It was nice holding a keynote starting innovation processes in corporations at the SIRUP office.
See FRANK website
See PHOTOS on Facebook
Professional Article
Enabling Corporate Structures to innovate
Professional article in Personalwirtschaft Magazin about bringing disruptive digital innovation into corporate organisations. Together with my colleagues from SIRUP I developed a prototype to change corporate structures towards generating innovation.
Read the full article (German)
Careers in Corporations
Being invited to the Absolventenkongress in Cologne I had the pleasure to hold a speech and an open discussion on how graduates and top employers match - and about the most popular problems both parties face in the process.
Absolventenkongress Website
Talent Management in Corporations
Speech and Workshop on Management in Corporations at Sparkassen Finanzgruppe Management Akademie in Berlin.
S-Management Akademie Website
DSGV Website
Personalwirtschaft: Gelebte Unternehmenskultur
Professional article on Internal Crowdfunding as strategic tool to install a participative company culture.Written by David Heberling, Founder and CEO of Table of Visions GmbH and me.
See full article (German)
See the Personalwirtschaft Website
Keynote Speech
The fight for fresh talent
Sponsors Garrelt Duin (Federal Economy Minister of Northrhein Westfalia) and Brigitte Zypries (Parliamentary Undersecretary) opened the „Wissensoffensive“ conference in Hagen. I was invited to give the Keynote on „the fight for fresh talent“.
See full program (German)
Why Culture eats Employer Branding for Breakfast
Article on why company culture and tools to change company culture are first and foremost making a company a magnet for talent. … and why employer branding inevitably comes second. Written by Dr. Lynn Schäfer (CEO of Talent Management Institute) and me. Released as white paper for an expert round table at ESCP Berlin.
See full article (German)
Made in Berlin: Top-Arbeitgeber
Speech about the recruiting practices of top employers.
See MIB Website
Personalmagazin: Die Kultur ist das Limit
Professional article on the limits of employer branding and on why culture eats employer branding for breakfast. Written by Dr. Lynn Schäfer (CEO of Talent Management Institute) and me.
Read the full article (German)
See the Personalmagazin Website
Perfect Match - How Corporations and Graduates converge
Speech about how graduates and corporations are matching and committing to each other in practice. … and which structural conditions can make the process a challenge.
See the Absolventenkongress Website
Panel Discussion on International Branding
When in Rome do as the Romans do? Porsche, Google, Voith und Bain & Company dicuss challenges of international branding at DGFP Wirtschaftsimpulse hosted by ESCP Europe. It was fun leading the fruitful discussion.
On the ESCP website
Facebook picture gallery
Keynote Speech
Branding & marketing as tools for international talent attraction
European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) - 3rd Workshop on Talent Management
On the ESCP website
On the EIASM website
Fascinating People
EVP Development, Agency Handling, Media & Website Production for ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG
Absolventen und Top-Arbeitgeber
Delivering a speech on the prey scheme of top employers at the Absolventenkongress Norddeutschland in Hamburg.
Website Absolventenkongress Norddeutschland
The truth about employer branding
Event in cooperation with sirup°, Mariana Rajic of trendence and HR Leaders Berlin
Facebook gallery
Gallery on sirup.com
„Promo clip“
Unternehmerschule der ESCP Europe
Wie Startups und große Unternehmen voneinander lernen
Watch the film on youtube
„Perfect Match“ at Absolventenkongress Zurich
Delivering a speech on hiring graduates and on how graduates and corporations archive a perfect match.
Website Absolventenkongress Zurich
Employer Branding Summit in Paris
Meeting Brett Minchington and Mariana Rajic at the EBI Employer Branding Summit in Paris.
On the Trendence website
Fact Based Consulting - Trendence & Oliver Viel
Fact Based Consulting for employer branding and personnel marketing. A cooperation of Oliver Viel and Trendence, the leading research supplier in the field of employer branding.
Read the brochure
News clipping
Personalwirtschaft: Live und in Farbe
Personalwirtschaft (Sonderheft Employer Branding) - Live und in Farbe. Professional article by Christian Plothe (CEO Staufenbiel Institut) and Oliver Viel on employer branding at careers fairs.
Read the article
News clipping
Human Resources Manager: Globaler Kampf um Relevanz
Article on the practice of international employer branding by Thomas Teetz (Head of Global Employer Branding - Deutsche Telekom AG) and Oliver Viel.
Read the article
Project film
Deutsche Telekom: Global Talent Monitor
A film by Oliver Viel. It was produced to inform the global HR Team at Deutsche Telekom about the latest developments regarding the launch of the global employer branding campaign.
See the film on Vimeo
News clipping
Economedia: The global candidate
Article about global sourcing on Bulgarias leading buiness news website written by Gesa Bartels of Goetzpartners and Oliver Viel.
Full article on the economedia website
Film Documentary
Gilbert & George
Documentary about the Gilbert and George Urethra Post Card Exhibition in Berlin. Oliver Viel acted as film director and had the pleasure to meet the artists.
See on vimeo
Personalmarketingkongress: Employer Branding und Markt-Impact - Wer hat in der vergangenen Dekade aktiv den Wert seiner Arbeitgebermarke erhöht?
Delivering a speech on the impact of employer branding on the value of brands and on which brands’s branding has performed well in the past.
Website Personalmarketingkongress
News clipping
Die Welt: Akademiker streben nach Beamtenjob bei Westerwelle
Article about how German graduates choose their employer.
Full article on Die Welt online
News clipping
Diario Economico: Estabilidade no futuro motiva escolhas dos portugueses
About the future of young graduates in Portugal.
Full article
News clipping
Focus: Nur das Image zählt
Artikel über Employer Branding im Focus Magazin.
On the Focus website
News clipping
Deutsche Welle: Работодатель мечты
Article on Employer Brands in Russian language.
On the Deutsche Welle website
News clipping
Focus: Studenten träumen von PwC und Google
News article on a ranking of Europe’s most attractive employers.
On the Focus Website
News clipping
Le Figaro: L’environnement fait une percée remarquée chez les futurs ingénieurs
About the job preferences and top employers of french engineering graduates.
Read the full article
FAZ Hochschulanzeiger: Discounter
Interview with FAZ Hochschulanzeiger about starting your career at a discounter.
Read the full article
Case study
Personalwirtschaft: Auf der grünen Wiese
Article on how to start employer branding from scratch at DEKRA. Written by Gesa Bartels (GötzPartners), Florian Appel (Benteler) and Oliver Viel.
Read the full article
Die Welt: Articles on young German’s attitude towards careers
Articles on student protests and their attitude towards the labour market.
Article on welt.de: Protestieren geht über Studieren
Article on welt.de: Uni-Absolventen bleiben trotz Krise optimistisch
News clipping
NyTeknik: Trygghet viktigast för studenter
Article on the career preferences of young engineers in Sweden.
Read the article on nyteknik.se
News clipping
Computerwoche: Google bleibt für Informatiker erste Wahl
Article about Top Employer Brands in IT.
Read the article on computerwoche.de
News clipping
Der Spiegel: Europas Top-Arbeitgeber
Article about the most successful Employer Brands in Europe.
Article on Spiegel.de
Personalmagazin: Auf internationalem Parkett die Nase vorn
Article on international employer branding. Written by Gesa Bartels (Götzpartners) and Oliver Viel.
Full Article
Le Soir: Les Big Four gardent leur image de marque même en temps de crise
Interview on the HR branding landscape in Belgium.
Full Article
Athens Plus: The hopes and fears of tomorrows employees
Interview on Greek graduates and their attitudes towards careers compared to other European countries.
Full Article
HR Today: Praktikanten befragen und deren Eindrücke nutzen
How to use your interns to get feedback on your Brand.
Full Article
Lebensmittel Zeitung: Rasterfahndung von Unternehmen
Article on how Companies are searching for their right potentials among graduates.
Full Article
KURIER: Careers in Austria
Three Articles about Graduate Careers in the Austrian daily newspaper KURIER.
Kurier – Was Wirtschaftsstudenten wollen
Kurier – Techniker machen sich keine Sorgen
Kurier – Realistisch und bodenständig
HR Today: Sichere Investition in der Vertrauenskrise (Employer Branding)
Article in a Swiss HR magazin about branding in times of crisis. Written by Gesa Bartels (Götzpartners) and Oliver Viel.
Full Article
Manager Magazin: Top Employers in Germany and Europe
Articles on Top Employers - Companies with a strong Employer Brand.
Manager Magazin – Europas Toparbeitgeber
Manager Magazin – Deutschlands Toparbeitgeber
Computerwoche: Google ist attraktivster Arbeitgeber
Article on IT Employers and the strength of their brands among IT graduates.
Full Article
HR Today: Was macht Unternehmen für Technik-Studierende und Ingenieure attraktiv?
Professional article on how to attract tech graduates.
Full Article
News Clipping
Manager Magazin: Europas Toparbeitgeber
Article on measuring and ranking Europes biggest employer brands.
Full Article
News Clipping
iDNES.cz: Favoritem studentů je IBM, pracovat by tam šlo nejvíc Evropanů i Čechů
Article on employer brands in Czech Republic.
See Article
EFMD Report Series: The Bologna Process
Report about Students plans and receptions regarding the Bologna reform. By Martine Plompen and Glenn Murrell with contributions by Colin Wright and Oliver Viel.
Read the full report
Wirtschaftswoche – Home Sweet Home
A text about German graduates and their reluctance towards working abroad.
Read the full article
SuB: Auf flexiblen Wegen zu ‘harten Fakten’
Article on the use of statistical analysis in employer branding and personnel marketing. Published by the German association of sociologists.
Read the full article (German)
ENGLISH VERSION – Flexible Ways to ‘Hard Facts’